A Story about finding something to be thankful for and learning lessons!
I don’t write to many stories because my writing just is not up to par. Like the other day my son was looking over my shoulder when I was writing a post and started laughing and said “You got to be kidding me” I wrote (you are to have) when it should have been (you ought to have). Spell check just doesn’t catch those kinds of mistakes. Well anyway, if ya are up to a story, not related to sewing, here goes.
Many years ago, when my children were about 5 and 7, I was in a head on collision. Now, the 1st thankful is I’m glad I’m here to write this. The other driver said she just didn’t see me. 2nd thankful is she didn’t get hurt. I was taken to a local hospital because I couldn't put weight on my leg when they asked if I could get out of the car and I was having trouble breathing. As I am waiting at the hospital they are asking all these questions and I am still telling them, I’m having a hard time breathing and my leg hurts bad. They took x-rays of my chest and leg and tell my husband I could go home. I would be sore, subscribed pain medicine and put a wrap around my leg. We get home and I couldn't do anything, felt like I was going to faint if I stood up and couldn't catch my breath. Well, the next morning we get a phone call from the hospital, asking my DH to bring me back. They had another doctor read my x-rays and I had a collapse lung and a broken leg. The 3rd thankful is for the second doctor reading the x-rays and I didn’t take the pain medicine with a collapse lung. Lesson learned, don’t go to this hospital. When we arrived at the hospital the doctor proceeded to inform us they couldn't put me to sleep while in surgery due to the collapse lung. So I got one of those spinal shots and while I was getting prepped they had my leg up in the air just a scrubbing with the purple liquid and I said, “Boy, that must hurt.” I could also hear the drill and asked "If this was a Black and Decker screw gun and were they using metal screws or dry wall", had them all laughing. My 4th thankful is I could still bring a little laughter into the situation.
A week later, after a tube in my chest and 3 screws in my leg, I am back home. A lesson to be learned is speaking up and make sure they understand when you are in pain. They said because I was calm and not acting like I had a collapse lung or broken leg, they just didn’t think my injuries were that bad.
OK, now what I was really getting at was to live your life like there might not be tomorrow. I remember when this happened so clearly, my 5th thankful was for my Mom and Dad that helped us out so much. Lesson here is you never know who might be dropping by or what event comes up in your life that you might not be able to pick up the dirty clothes or wash a few dishes left in the sink before IT arrives, so the spring cleaning is on my list for sure.
I had 3 months I couldn’t put any weight on my leg so my 6th thankful is that I had lost about 50 lbs before the wreak. My DH had to help me with everything. So glad he could lift me, the lesson for this is I better get on a diet or he’ll have to bring in a crane if this should ever happen anytime soon. The feeling you get when your life could be gone in a flash is something you shouldn't forget. I thank God everyday for each day, oh I complain about my leg and I guess the 7th thankful is from my husband, I can always tell him when the fish are biting.
Keep Stitchen'