I have made so many aprons for my shop, I'm going to give another one away. It will be your choice on aprons, either the I love Lucy, red and cream polka dots, a civil war print or another toile fall print.

All aprons are on sale at this time @ the online shop for $24.00. Shipping $5.00-Priority
You will have to post for the #1 which is an apron (choice from above selections, I will ask the one that you choose when I email you) or the #2 prize which will be for the quilters. This package will include the book Simple Pleasures, it has appliqued quilts, pillows and artwork in it. 3 Caboodles in a Box, perfect to make for the teachers you know. Jelly Bellies quilt pattern, an apron pattern and a SURPRISE.
Now, you just have to leave a post and say #1 or #2.
Just love having the giveaways but this might be my last one till after Christmas. To many irons in the fire, big show coming up and I've got lots of gifts to make.
Great giveaway! I would like to be put in for #1! I love the *Lucy* apron...totally adorable!
I'm a quilter...but I love the Lucy apron! Terrific giveaway...
Oops, I guess I better make it clear...I'm for #1!
Hi Bonnie thanks for the email. I would like #1 or #2 both are great prizes to win. If I was lucky I would have to make a decision, but for now both are my favs. LOve the pin cushion.
Please enter me...If I win I would like #1 and I would give it to my big sis ....she would love It!!
#2 for sure, great package Bonnie.
Oooh, I'd sure love a new apron for my holiday baking! #1 for me please!
Hi Bonnie....I'd love any of the wonderful items, but would put my name in for #1, one of your gorgeous aprons.
Thanks so much!
oooh ooh....I want 2....sign me up for #2 please.
The aprons are pretty but they don't go with my boyish figure!
I am for #1 also. Just wanted to say that your tutorial looks great, and the pin cushion is so cute.
What a wodnerful giveaway... # 2 please. If I should win, it may arrive before my container items from South Africa.... been waiting since Jan.
Oh Bonnie...I can vision myself in the lovely red/white apron for I hope I have some luck here...Love aprons but can not cook... so this must be a must You are so talented!!!
So #1 for me...:o)
#1. I am not a quilter...yet...
I would love #2! I love to sew and quilt!
Have a Blessed Day,
I love the #1 apron! It would just match my red check kitchen!
Now this is a tough decision Bonnie - I love the Lucy apron but then again I'm a quilter so 1 or 2? I think the apron for me. :) blessings, marlene
# 1 please, I just loveeeeee the Lucy apron!
I adore the Lucy apron! Thank you!
I love the polka dot apron. A great giveaway. Thank you and good luck to everyone.
Wonder aprons as always!
I would like #1.
I will post your giveaway on my blog for you.
Hello Bonnie, thank you for your generous giveaway.Please enter me into the draw.I would like either #1 or #2.Love No #1.Regards Lyn
Sweet giveaways!!
I Love Lucy for me!!!!
Oh decisions, decisions!! Hmmm, I think I'm going with #2! Yes, I'm going with 2!
Thank-you so much for having a give-away when you are so busy!
I would love to win #2, I am addicted to quilting and always need more stuff!
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Hi Bonnie
I would love to be entered in your apron giveaway! The toile fall print apron is absolutely gorgeous!! I am also having a giveaway to celebrate 2 years of blogging if you'd like to add your name :-)
Wow, what a give away. I would love # 2. Good luck with your upcoming show. Please write about it I would like to hear more!
wow, hard choice, the aprons are adorable.
I would chose #2 though , would love to have the patterns! this is so nice of you, good luck at your show.
I love the Lucy apron so I'm going to vote for #1. Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway! I will pick #1 cause I love Lucy!
I love the Lucy apron, too. Please add my name for #1 drawing.
Being a quilter I will choose #2. Howeer anyone should be happy with any of the give aways.
You are alwasy so generous in yur give aways.
Have a great creative week.
Oh, how fun! Another giveaway! I would choose #1. (and probably the I Love Lucy apron!)
Please put me in the draw for #2
Great giveaway.
I choose #1, too! And I don't know which apron I love more! But, probably the fall toile.
I chose 1 I love the Lucy Apron very pretty.
Hugs Mary.
Your aprons are gorgeous!! Please put me in the drawing for #1 and I would choose I Love Lucy...My daughter has been hunting a red apron so if I won this would be for her birthday..which is Nov 6th..They are closing on a new house today so this would be a wonderful addition to her kitchen!
AND those chicken recipes look yummy!! I have to share these with her too! She loves to cook in her crock!
I am also having a give away on my blog in honor of my daughters birthday...Go sign up for one of my hubbys wonderful turned bowls!
What a great giveaway! I am a quilter so even though I like the aprons I am going to say #2.
oh me oh my!!! both are GREAT! hmmmmmm...# 1 have such a great blog...thanks for sharing!
You have the best Giveaways Bonnie! Of course my choice is an apron, #1.
Hi Bonnie !!
I'm just catching up as I was busy with the craft show that didn't go well..but I tried it and that's what on to something else:) You sewing is lovely and I see there are so many gals signed I'll "let" one of them win. Just wanted to say Hi and that I missed you.
How generous you are! I would love to sign up for #1...thank you so much!
Victoria Lynn
Terrific giveaway....I'm a quilter so I have to go with #2 but you really make it hard to choose. I love your aprons and the toile is my favorite. Terriic prizes. I just found your blog and I love it...hugs, Linda
Hi Bonnie,
The aprons are great, but I can't resist #2!!
Oooh, number one please. Your aprons are beautiful! I can't see what the pattern image is on the second apron, but I love the colors. I'd be thrilled to win any one of them.
Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway! I love all of the aprons. You are so sweet to do this!
Hi Bonnie. Your aprons are so cute. Hope I win one!
Hugs, Rhondi
Put me down for #1, cute aprons...I like the pumpkins. I would love #2 as well, but with an 8 month old I don't have much time to make things right now. :c)
A giveaway! Makes us lurkers come out of the closet! Let's see.... can't sew... not a quilter.... don't cook.... NEED AN APRON!! I am going to try the Mexican casserole recipe. Sounds delicious!
#2 Please Bonnie. I am drafting an apron from a 1950's pattern let you know when I have finished
# 1
THANK YOU SO MUCH BONNIE!! I received my apron and it is even more beautiful in person!!! I will wear it ALL of them time!!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
I would love to win #1. Thanks! Hugs***Renea
Oh you are so generous. The aprons are tempting but sign me up for #2. Thanks.
great giveaway - #2 please... :)
Oh #1 please and I know which one I desire
Hello Bonnie! Hope all is well with you and that everything is getting back to normal! We'd love to enter for #1...too cute, as always!
Love that tutorial for that pin cushion....someday!!
Have a good weekend!
Karla & Karrie
What great giveaways! I LOVE the red/polka dot Lucy apron.
I love the "Lucy" apron! Please enter me for #1. I'm so glad I found your blog; love the pincushion!
Oh your aprons are so pretty! Please enter me in your giveaway. I need a nice apron and baking season is about to start. Please come by my blog to get your award.
#1- Love the aprons!
What a tough choice...they are both great prizes... I can't decide... ok... I'll go for #1
I love Lucy! #1 Thanks so much for the chance to win one of your darling aprons!!!
Ohhh your blog is adorable! I found you through Joanne... so glad I stopped by... I would love a chance to win your awesome give~away! Please toss my name into the hat for a chance on #1... Gotta Love Lucy 'n some Red Polka-Dots!!
I Love Lucy!!!!
Hard to choose which package..Both are great but even though I'm a quilter I would pick #1 the I Love Lucy apron from my daughter who is a big I Love Lucy fan, Plus Nov 3 is her 1st Anniversary (they married after 8 years together, why cause they were never ready at the same time)
I would like to win #2 because I love the patterns and surprises in the mail are fun too
Rita E in AZ
HI Bonnie! Love the Lucy apron! ( almost as much as I love that rooster apron which is on my Christmas list ---- tell Lance please?!!
I actually updated my blog with some new family pics, stop by and see us!
Blessings, Donna
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