A Crazy Quilt Post
"A little bit of everything"

My Mind Is Going 90 to Nothing!!
With my daughter's latest news (new grand baby) I can't seem to get it together. In a good way. This post is going to be a little bit of everything.
First I have to say, I love going to http://stitchinbythelake.blogspot.com/ (Marlene) to read her post and she almost post daily. Her stories she tells from menopause to grand kids and people in general keep me usually in stitches. She also does beautiful quilting. Well she had a post yesterday about "Would you change anything on you if you could", I made a comment and she told me I should post about it. So here goes.
I told her I would change my double chin, because I'm beginning to feel this. I know I need to lose weight, which might would help, but it is one of those things that is gene related. My Grandma and my Mom had a double chin so I guess I'm next. As Mom aged (and she was a very pretty lady) her chin got kinda loose. My daughter, which was very young at the time, was sitting by her and her little hand was just playing with Mom's chin. She then looked up and said "Granny your just like your cow's". Kid's say the darnest things...
Next subject-with the giveaway (that is 3 post below) which will be ending tomorrow, I just want to thank everyone for coming by and entering. I may have to draw a second prize so grand baby #2 can draw too. Oh my, now I will have to have 3 when the little one gets old enough to draw (next time). On the next giveaway (next month) I'm not going to put-you get your name in twice if you help spread the word and post about it. I really appreciate all of you doing that, but I really hope I don't make any mistakes about getting every one's name in 1 or 2 times. I will make a final tour of all the blogs tomorrow. It is a neat way to read new blogs... So just check back with me, I will have a giveaway once a month until Christmas.
Next subject-I worked on a little girls outfit I'm putting online and thought I would show a picture and tell you how I made the flower pin. The pictures does not show the details to well. I took two 1-1/2" width-X-WOF lengths and sewed wrong sides together with two rows of gathering stitches down the center. I then frayed the edges on both side and both pieces of fabric. Gathered as tight as it would go and rolled it in a circle. Hand stitched it and added pin in the center.
Now I'm off to the sewing room!!!
What a sweet little outfit! Can't wait until I have grandkids.
Hi Bonnie,
That was a cute story. I have "angel" wings hanging from my arm..ick..It's just as it is and i wear shelves to come them..Kailee has said a couple of things, remember my big Butt...so I totally get it lol :) I appreciate you generous giveaways, Thank You and your sewing projects that you share. I should try the flower :) after I get a few other things done. Always love it when you stop by. Thanks. Warmly, Deb :)
Bonnie that's the cutest outfit! You must have gotten all your creativity and all of mine when God was handing that out! blessings, marlene
I don't know how I missed the post about becoming a granny again, congratulations, how exciting for you. I'm still waiting on my kids to provide grand babies for me.
That's just adorable!!!!
I love that outfit! So cute! When I see your things, it reminds me that I need to nurture my children and nest my home. I bet you have been a major influence on your family! Thanks for sharing your talents.
Hi Bonnie :)
Alex asked my mom what it was like when dinosaurs roamed the earth. He was 5 years old at the time. He hasn't lived it down yet LOL
Very cute outfit!
Ohhhh I really love the outfit, I have been looking at the cute halloween/fall fabrics at Walmart, seeing your cute outfit makes me wanna try to make one for my daughter.
That is the sweetest outfit! I really envy your talent for sewing!
Oh My Goodness, This wee outfit is so sweet!!!! I can only imagine how happy it will make one little princess!! Nice going....
Beautiful little outfit Bonnie and congratulations on the next grandbaby.
Out of the mouth of babes. What a great story. The outfit is adorable.
Congrats on grand #3!! I love the cute outfit, what a talent you have!! Can't wait to see who wins the fall bag!
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