Friday, July 25, 2008

More Autumn Angel

I just love this angel from the book "Easy Does It For Autumn"-Art To Heart. She just makes me smile, so I put her on an apron that is really a good cooking apron. Big pockets and a place to hold your towel. Working on fall projects just makes me a little cooler. Maybe Peg at should have another finish by ????, but it would be Christmas gifts that need to be completed. Doesn't that sound good to ya? Hope all the creative people, (quilters, scrapbooks, artist in general) have a great prosperous weekend.


Anonymous said...

Just love it Bonnie, yes it's not too early to be thinking of Christmas. I already have a couple of finishes for Christmas.....

andsewon said...

What a sweet angel.....have this book too.
Need to get moving myself on Fall and Christmas projects. Just found your blog and have enjoyed lookin..while my snaps are in canner!


Hi Bonnie,
Looking very good. It's a good feeling to finish a project.:) I did buy a Christmas gift the other day, and thinking I might keep it..oops, that's not the way to shop, or is it?? See you soon.Warmly, Deb

Stina Blomgren said...

This one is fantastic Bonnie...just love it...Love the angel!!

Diane at Crafty Passions said...

Its so sweet really really cute!

Anonymous said...

A way cool apron!

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