Tutorials on Potholders and a Giveaway!

Lola @ http://ansewon.blogspot.com/ is having a giveaway of her potholders she did a tutorial on. I told her if I had these I might not have my arm looking like it does at this time. I love all the pot holder tutorials out there.
Here are a few-

Stephanie @ http://loftcreations.blogspot.com/2008/04/potholders.html made the log cabin cute potholders
Regan @ http://stitchinmysideregan.blogspot.com/2008/04/pot-holder-tutorial.html

Beki @ http://artsycraftybabe.typepad.com/artsycrafty_babe/2007/11/dishtowel-potho.html
Lucy @ http://mybyrdhouse.blogspot.com/2008/05/skillet-pot-holder-tutorial-ppp.html
Remember the looms, I made many of these growing up http://www.flickr.com/photos/studiobeerhorst/sets/72157594490161717/
I need to remember this one to make with the grandbabies, great gift to give daughter - Kati @ http://sycamorestirrings.blogspot.com/2008/05/draw-me-potholder-tutorial.html
Just thought you might like to go to a few for fast gifts!
Thank you so much for all the fun links!!
Thanks so much for posting about my GiveAway on your blog!!!!!;-)
Oh my seems to be lots of Tuts out for sure.
I have a skillet one too made from a thick old wash rag that was a gift. Just slides right on that handle but I also use another smaller one to be safe!!!
Yes my kiddos did loads of the loomed ones for Grannys and Aunts for gifts!! I still have some I still use!!
I'm especially loving the child artist potholders! So cute. Thanks for all the links.
Bonnie, thanks for all the links. I had no idea there were that many potholder tuts out in blogland. So many places to go and so little time. I made some on my little loom and my dear mum used them until they fell apart.
Great site to visit. Thanks for sharing. Hope your arm is better.
I forgot to tell you Congratulations. I saw you won Stephanie's giveaway. Good for you. She makes such great things.
Thanks for all the great potholder tutorial sites!! I especially like the kids one.
What great potholders!!! I could use a few of those myself!! Hubby bought me an OvGlove!!! Man hve I used that alot!!
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