Friday, February 27, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Make one top pocket by folding up a 6" pleat and about 2" from the top edge
Now fold another pleat to make 2nd pocket. I folded it where the bottom of each pocket meets.

Sew the bottom of the pockets. I lifted the front edge and sewed the bottom edge. Does that make since? Look at picture below. That seam catches both pockets. The lower edge now lays a little bit further down in the front over the pocket seam. I would give measurements but each dish towel is different in size.
Sew along the side of the apron through all layers. You also need to sew through all layers to make pockets. I did two seams to have three pockets.

I cut 3 strips from a fat quarter, that measured 2"X18". This will be the band and ties. Plus another piece for the loop that measured 2"X 7". Sew the 3 pieces together and then fold in half and sew lengthwise, 1/4" seam. This piece will then measure 1"X 54". I left a opening in the center of this long piece to turn. I have a picture but it turned out blurry. Turn and iron.

You also need to sew the 2"X7" piece for the loop. Turn and press.
Lay the loop up at the top of the apron and center the band and tie length piece over it. You need to center the band on the towel at this time.
Pin in place, I put the band over the very top edge, so the towel is not showing. Sew over both edges, top and bottom, of band catching towel and loop in seams.

The towel I used had a loop on the wrong side to put a towel through. This makes it great for a gardener to have a towel for wiping hands.

Every lady need a pair of pruning clippers. The towel is hanging on the side.

Sunday, February 22, 2009
OP-A few of my blocks

Saturday, February 21, 2009
And the Winner is---------

Blog Hop for OP-Giveaway

"Arabella" she has the kit and fabric.

Friday, February 20, 2009
Look what came in the mail today!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tutorials on Potholders and a giveaway!

Stephanie @ http://loftcreations.blogspot.com/2008/04/potholders.html made the log cabin cute potholders
Regan @ http://stitchinmysideregan.blogspot.com/2008/04/pot-holder-tutorial.html

Beki @ http://artsycraftybabe.typepad.com/artsycrafty_babe/2007/11/dishtowel-potho.html
Lucy @ http://mybyrdhouse.blogspot.com/2008/05/skillet-pot-holder-tutorial-ppp.html
Remember the looms, I made many of these growing up http://www.flickr.com/photos/studiobeerhorst/sets/72157594490161717/
I need to remember this one to make with the grandbabies, great gift to give daughter - Kati @ http://sycamorestirrings.blogspot.com/2008/05/draw-me-potholder-tutorial.html
Just thought you might like to go to a few for fast gifts!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Don't do this!!!

I had no idea the bowl was going to fold up and spill all over my arm. OUCH!!!
I had Salsa on the ceiling, cabinets, counter across the kitchen and all over the floor. I was raised where we always laughed when things like this happened. After I yelled OUCH, I did start laughing and cleaning. Sharon, this is good to eat on a diet too. Just not with chips.
It really is good Salsa, just don't heat it for 5 minutes.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
We have a Winner!!!