Towel for Customer and 2ND Grandbaby, a hoot!
I had an order for a towel I had sent Susan @ http://blackberrycreek.typepad.com/blackberry_creek/
The order was for a jade color and do you know how many shades that color has? I thought I would take a picture and put in on my blog to see if she still wants it. I digitized this when I started thinking tea swap. So Dianne let me know if this is OK.
The next picture is one I just couldn't pass up. My second grandbaby who is 2 years 4 months saw my bra and asked, "Is that for your ninnies?" Now I don't know how to spell this and I guess she got this word from my daughter. I said yes and she said she wanted some. So as a Mimi, I did what she wanted. So I tied a bra around her and stuffed with tissue. She was so proud. Just wait till she gets older, you just aren't so proud then.

How cute, so she has a bit of growing to do then huh!
HAHA...the picture of your granddaughter is priceless, she looks so proud doesn't she.
That's a photo to definitely save to give to her "later" in life when gravity takes over. (grin)
Love the tea towel Bonnie. Did you crochet the trim?
Love the towel! That picture of your garndaughter is too funny...definitely one to save!
I really like that towel!!!Tea anyone????;-)
Oh my what a cutie doll!!! She is adorable and that pic is a keeper for sure!!!! Ninnies is our word as well. What's for dinner hun..Chix ninnies... haaaaaaaaa!!
That's so cute! What a fun picture to show her in her teen years!
Have a great day, Denise
Cute towel. The picture of your granddaughter is a hoot like you said. Cute.
hee hee hee!! What a hoot - she will be mortified someday we're sure!
Love that towel - oh soooo cute!
The tea towel is lovely. Mine is hanging on Gertrude's (my stove has a name) oven door. We both love it.
Your granddaughter is cute. But yeah, there'll come a day when she'll wish she'd never heard of ninnies or bras.
One of these days you can use that picture to blackmail her! What a doll..... blessings, marlene
That is so funny! I'm cracking up. You know she will kill you one day for taking that picture. LOL
Oh just think, you will be able to get her to do anything for you just so you won't show that picture to her friends...or boyfriend. LOL
That picture of your grandbaby is PRICELESS!!! What a HOOT!
Grandbaby is PRECIOUS!!!
What a riot!
LOL!! I love it!!
Your granddaughter is such a cutie ! LOL
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