and It's Monday already...(DIET)
How I've wanted to sew. When I get stressed out the sewing machine just calls my name. I was able to sew just a little and it felt like my muscles are getting a little relax. Isn't it funny how sewing makes some people relax and others, it can tie them in a knot.
Here is a picture of the wall hanging I'm designing and putting in my sewing room, which I need to take before and after picture of the room. I'm finally home from shows and I really want to fix it up. Look for more pictures to come, I might get a little bit more time in tonight to sew. Yea!!!

Today's Dr's visit for my husband-found out surgery needs to be asap because he has a large tear. My brother is still in the hospital, so time is spread thin, but I hope to get around and visit everyone.
Isn't this the cutest fat baby, that's what I feel like!
I had to cover it's little booty.

I know girls I'm suppose to report on diet, I have to get a wide lens for my camera first before I can show a picture. Well I've tried to be good and ate as healthy as I could on the road, but no exercises. I have to do this to make any progress. I promise I will do better next week. Sharon, don't crack that whip to hard.
Your quilts look interesting. Can't wait to see them. Sure hope things get better soon with your family.
love the mystery quilt!
nice before picture! ;-)
OMG that baby is hysterical. That is exactly how I feel. LOLOLOL I like your mystery quilt so far.
I hope everyone gets well in your family soon.
I mean this in the best way- but the baby looks like the Tireman ad! Too cute, Would love to see her face? Your blog header is very appealing, as is the snow floating on your pictures. fun site!
Mystery quilts are so much fun! That baby - toooooo funny!
Good luck on the mystery...
Im so impressed of your bravness and all the before photos!!! Wish you all the luck with Sharons Challenge!!
I love your mystery quilt!!! Can't wait to see it row by row!
Hey Bonnie! Thought I was seeing spots before my eyes and needed to go to bed (well, maybe I do!!) but finally realised I wasn't seeing things - but it's snowing on your blog! Tee! Hee Hee! Cute! I love the colours you're working with on that quilt - the black, red and green look great together! Bear Hugs! KRIS
Bonnie, you are gorgeous! Great picture! The mystery quilt is going to be beautiful, as always.
Yep, that baby looks like the Michelin Tire Man!!
What an interesting mystery quilt to follow - I can't wait to see the finished work!
Hope all is well with you at your end! Blessings!
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