Sunday, August 23, 2009

Baby Quilt & A Giveaway to Celebrate!!!

To celebrate a new adventure for me, thought a giveaway was needed. The quilt above is getting quilted and it has the great new product by Superior Threads called Texture Magic. The adventure is being a Rep for Texture Magic and showing all the Shops, Guilds and Bee's in my area, a product that gives fabric a whole new look and feel.
So in the giveaway you'll receive a package of Texture Magic, 9 Moda Fat Quarters, Moda 's White Fabric and Annie's wonderful pattern for the quilt in the picture above. Her pattern has wonderful directions and easy to follow. You will love working with Texture Magic, I'll work on a tutorial on using it soon. (No backing or batting included) I also will add the 4 Romantic Homes in for good reading.
First comments is to enter the giveaway.
If you would like a second entry, just blog about the giveaway on your blog. Come back and leave another comment.
For a third entry, follow my blog or add me to your blog list. If you already do this just say in your third comment.
Please comment each time, this makes it so much easier to count you 1,2,3 times.
I also want to thank you for all the prayers and thoughts sent this way for a speedy recovery. I didn't get to email everyone, but each one meant so much to me.

Giveaway winner will be announced on September 3rd. Oh my, another reason to celebrate, my birthday is on the 4th and just so glad to be here.
Keep Stitchen'


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Pat said...

Wow! A great giveaway. I am anxious to read your tutitorial on Texture Magic. It looks very interesting.

Sherrill said...

That Texture Magic stuff really looks interesting. I'd love to try it firsthand. Thanks for the giveaway.

Nedra said...

Yeah Texture Magic!! Great job on the quilt and the awsome advertising! Don't you love working with TM? And I'm looking forward to your tutorial.

Nova said...

I've seen that pattern at the store!

Renee G said...

This looks like so much fun. I would love to win.

Jo in TAS said...

Fabulous giveaway! I think you'll have a ball as a Rep! Will be back soon, off to do a post about the giveaway :-)

Jo in TAS said...

I've done a post too

Jo in TAS said...

.....and I'm a follower!!

Thanks for having this great giveaway:-) Looking forward to the tutorial.

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

Hi Bonnie,
A VERY BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY for the 4th!! So hope you knee is mending, and your car!! I have not heard of Texture Magic... but sounds really interesting indeed. I am sure you will enjoy life as a rep. I am a follower, and you're already on my blog list...

Unknown said...

Texture magic looks interesting. Wonderful giveaway!

Mystica said...

Wow what a gorgeous quilt and I'd love to try out the Texture Magic. What a generous giveaway.

Please count me in.


Amanda said...

I found my way here from Jo in Tas, so I'd love to enter your giveaway, great prizes.

bubbachenille said...

Texture magic, sounds sooo interesting, great giveaway too !

Amanda said...

And now I've blogged about your giveaway.

Amanda said...

And now I've added you to my google reader list - how organised am I!

Jeanie said...

What a wonderful giveaway ! Please include me. Thank you :)

Jeanie said...

You are already on my blog list :)

carole brungar said...

Oh what an exciting giveaway!! The fabrics and the cottons and the mags too! Very interested to hear more about the cottons! Hope this comes to NZ!
Happy birthday too!

Deb said...

Bonnie, what an extremely generous giveaway, so kind of you. The quilt is lovely, adore the colours.

Isabella said...

That Texture Magic sounds like fun. Please enter me in your give away I'm a follower

Isabella said...

Just gone to blog your fab giveaway

Unknown said...

OMG - Texture Magic looks fantastic!!! And the quilt looks great! Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

I follow you already. : )

Vicki ♥ said...

Please enter me in your giveaway, I would love to win this bundle :)

Vicki ♥ said...

What a great giveaway and I am already a follower of your fabulous blog.

Vicki ♥ said...

Have blogged about your fabulous giveaway too :)

Khris said...

I would love a chance to win...count me in please...thanks...Khris in Oz

Martina said...

What a great give away. Heard already about Texture magic and it sounds very interesting!

Martina said...

I am a follower now and love what i see in your blog!

Miriam said...

Thank you for a great giveaway. I haven't tried Texture Magic yet, but it looks very interesting. That Moda fabric is gorgeous!!!! :)

Miriam said...

I am now a follower too. ;)

simple country living! said...

Hi! Thank you for entering my name in your giveaway! I,too, have been wanting to try Texture Magic!

Lotta said...

I'd love to be in the drawing with a chance to win. If I do it'll be one of my best birthday gifts as the 3rd is my 50th birthday.
Lotta in Sweden

Lotta said...

As I love your blog and I want to have bigger chance to win I have now added you to my Google Reader list of blogs,
Lotta in Sweden

Abby and Stephanie said...

Best wishes with your new adventure!!! I've played a little with texture magic and it's interesting and fun. A terrific giveaway.

Edige said...

I would like to join this fabulous giveaway.
Thank you!
Edit from Hungary

simple country living! said...

I'm back to tell you that I've blogged about your goodies! Thanks again!

simple country living! said...

OH! And I am now a follower of your's! LOL!

Edige said...

I'm your follower.

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Hi Bonnie...came to you via Jo of Tas!!! Great giveaway...please include me...And Happy Birthday for the 4th September♥x

julie said...

This looks way cool. You must do the tute real soon. Generous give-away, put me in.
And have a great birthday, hope you get spoiled rotten on the day.

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Hi Bonnie...I'm back...and have become a follower♥x

miss~nance said...

Fabulous giveaway - really want to try the Texture magic.


miss~nance said...

I am also now following your blog.


Ange Moore said...

Those fat quarters are beautiful!

Ange Moore said...

And I've just become a follower - thanks to Jo_in_Tas for the heads up!

liloca, liloquinha said...

Oi quero conhecer ste tecido, parece maravilhoso.

liloca, liloquinha said...

Já sou sua seguidora

liloca, liloquinha said...

Já coloquei em meu blog.
Um abraço...

Diane H said...

Hi! Looking forward to hearing more about Texture Magic, can think of many projects where that could be fun to try. Thanks for putting my name in the giveaway.

Vicki W said...

My birthday is on the 2nd! Happy Birthday to both of us!

Marie said...

Oh yes I would love to be entered into your giveaway. Texture Magic looks like so much fun. Hugs, Marie

Marie said...

I have blogged about your giveaway and added you to my following I really like to read your blog!! Hugs, Marie

Anonymous said...

I wasn't far off with my guess was I Bonnie? Hope your well on the way to a full recovery.

Anonymous said...

I follow through google reader, if that counts.

Terry said...

Lovely giveaway! I've been wanting to try the texture magic on something! Thanks so much! :0)

Terry said...

I'm a follower too! Thanks again! :0)

Farming On Faith said...

Please count me in your drawing. I am so glad you are here too!
May God Bless You Today!

Jocelyn said...

Oh wow Bonnie, what a great giveaway. Please enter me :-)

Jocelyn said...

And I am already a follower of your delightful blog!

MJMR said...

Been out of town and am catching up on the blogs I follow. Happy Birthday Day a few days early & don't we all wish we had that many hands (from post before). We have Texture Magic in the LQS in my area, but have not tried it yet. Looks interesting.

SandyQuilts said...

I've been reading about Bob's new Texture Magic .... looks so cool.

I don't do the follow thing as I use to track my favorite blogs ... yes you're one.

Thanks for the wonderful giveaway, please throw me into the pot (x2).

Sue Cahill said...

I love to try new products, how great it would be to win everything needed to try this out.

Looks ver interesting!

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Sue Cahill said...

I am following you!

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Shelina said...

What a great giveaway.

Shelina said...

You're on my bloglines, so I come visit you often.

Maggie said...

Texture Magic sounds super fun. Fun pattern and I love the fabrics you've picked out.

Thanks for hosting this great giveaway.

mbroider said...

Sep 4th is special to our family. It is my brother's bday, sadly he is no more.

I would love to participate in the giveaway although i am currently looking into doing my 'first' applique.

I am going to add you to my blog list in a minute:)

mbroider said...

I added you to my blog list:) I am sure it will be a learning journey for me!

Linda Stubbs said...

Count me in on your giveaway! I just love giveaways. It alllllll looks wonderfulllll!

Blessings to you for your kindness!

Linda Stubbs said...

I am a follower!
Blessings again,

Keeper of the Home said...

What a blessing this is. Just in time too with the holidays fast approaching. I, as would anyone else, would be thrilled to win this, as I am trying to help a youth from Church make something for her disabled Mom for Christmas. This would be perfect as finances are limited on what she can spend.

Thank you so much for hosting this terrific give-a-way!

~Mrs. M

Keeper of the Home said...

Here's for my second entry...I posted about this on my blog. Here's the link.

Once again thank you so much for this opportunity.

~Mrs. M

Keeper of the Home said...

Entry #3, I'm a follower. Thanks again.

~Mrs. M

Brenda said...

What a wonderful giveaway and blog. thanks

Brenda said...

I do follow your blog.

Anne D said...

Your quilt looks great. Thanks for the giveaway.

Annie said...


Your Bubbly Babies quilt turned out great! It looks so different made in those fabrics. I didn't even recognize it -- and it's MY pattern. Good job.

I've been busy coming up with some very fun new Texture Magic patterns include some fun little owl softies and awesome baby bibs. They should be on my website soon.

Enjoy your journey as a TM rep -- I know you will love it.


Carin said...

I love Texture Magic I saw it used at the local quilt store.
Please enter me.

Carin said...

;o) I follow your blog

Carin said...

I am posting a link to your blog on mine


Oh, I don't enter many giveaways, but this one is superb! I will look forward to winning this on the 3rd, my son's birthday!!! How's that for possitive thinking?


Oh, Jane, I am a follower, and you are on my blog list, and I have purchased from you on E-Bay.

Karla said...

I saw Texture Magic at the Long Beach Quilt show. Great product!! Hope I win :-) Karla

Rochelle said...

What a great give away. I would love to try Texture Magic, it looks like so much fun.

Rochelle said...

I have been a long time follower of your blog. Love the inspiration.

karenshopes said...

Yes please, include me in your giveaway.

Lisa @ Life with 4! said...

i've heard of texture magic. never used it though.
thanks for the great giveaway!

Winona said...

Great giveaway! Please enter me. Winona

Dawn said...

Awesome giveaway...count me in!

Dawn said...

I follow you on bloglines!

Ozjane said...

I have linked you on
and am a follower also.
All the best.
Texture is always interesting.

Jocelyn said...

woo-hoo, I just posted about your giveaway on my blog :-)

Melissa ;-) said...

What a great give away and I am so sorry to hear about your accident!

Melissa ;-) said...


FlourishingPalms said...

Bubbly fun! This looks perfect for baby quilts. Aren't I a baby sometimes too?

Visit my blog at to see my link to Calamity Jane's Cottage.

CJ said...

Great quilt! I had not thought to use the Texture Magic in a quilt before! A baby quilt would be perfect for it.

Barb said...

I am so upset with myself, I just switched over to google reader. I had a whole blog list in my favorites in the other computer, my husband took that one and you were in it....and here I find that you have been ill? sorry, and congrats on your new job.

Stina Blomgren said...

So you say this is fun.. texture magic???? Sure looks like fun... and everyone is talking about it!!!! Sooo a tutorial would be
Ok this was the 1st comment!! :o)

Stina Blomgren said...

Added myself as a follower.. thought I already was one...ages ago.. but I wasnt.. but am

Stina Blomgren said...

Ok.. here comes number three... two was for the follower.. and the third... I will soon go to my home and add you to my sidebar and tell everyone about your giveaway!!! :o))

Loralynn said...

What a lovely and generous giveaway! I'm looking forward to your tutorial on the texture magic!

Marit Johanne said...

The Texture Magic looks so exciting. I will love to join your generous give away!

Marit Johanne said...

I do follow your blog!

Carrie P. said...

What a very very nice giveaway.
Your quilt is lovely.
this is my first entry.

Candace said...

Hey Bonnie - great giveaway, but no need to enter me. I've been looking at Texture Magic - I love how you used it - that is going to be one sophisticated baby!

Guilitta said...


i like to enter. . Thanks for the give away.

Greeting Guilitta from Germany

Ginger Patches said...

I am intrigued by the texture magic. I look forward to your tutorial. Great goodies!

Martha said...

Great goodies!! Thanks for the giveaway and I hope to win.

Wendyb said...

new to your post through Amanda's Musings blog. please include me in the giveaway
Texture Magic does look interesting, can't wait to hear more.

Wendyb said...

....and I too have just become a follower!! (but I don't have my own blog....sorry!!)

Grandma said...

Please sign me up. I find this product so interesting. It will be fun to actually use it!

Candace said...

Glad you're doing better. Texture Magic sounds very interesting, and the quilt is very cute.

Candace said...

It's me again. You have been on my Google Reader list which also is on my blog for a long time.

Irma's Rose Cottage said...

What a lovely giveaway! Please enter me.

Irma :)

Irma's Rose Cottage said...

I have posted about your giveaway on my blog.

Irma :)

Irma's Rose Cottage said...

I am now a follower.

Irma :)

Jenny of Elefantz said...

I've love to play with the texture magic! Please enter me in the draw, Bonnie. :-)

Jenny of Elefantz said...

I've blogged about your giveaway! :-)

Jenny of Elefantz said...

I'm a follower!!

Unknown said...

Just posted on my blog about your giveaway!

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Whoa....what a generous giveaway! ....I'd LOVE to win...Please enter me....hoping, hoping, hoping..


{Bellamere Cottage} said...

I just added the link to your giveaway on my blog, please enter me twice!


Becky said...

I would love to be entered in your drawing. That looks like a lot of fun to try!
I have been reading quite a few blogs saying that they are using it...or maybe I am reading the same blog lots of times?!? LOL

arlette said...

Hello!, please count me in your giveaway. I never tried the texture magic before, I guess we can't get it on here, I love your baby quilt!

arlette said...

And.... guess what?, I'm your follower now, thanks for the chance!

arlette said...

My first comment is gone, I don't know what happened, lol, well, happy birthday to youuuuuu!!!

Ruth B said...

Awesome giveaway! I've heard so much about Texture Magic and it would be such fun to give it a try.

paulette said...

I'm so happy that you are well and feeling better. Secondly -love moda fabric and can't wait to try Texture Magic-I'm waiting for the tutorial!! Thanks for the chance to win your big give away!

Greg said...

How cool! Thanks for the opportunity to get free stuff!

Greg said...

I'm now a follower as well.

Kaylee said...

This Texture Magic sounds exciting, would love to give it a try, here is my first comments, I am off to post your giveaway on my Blog and I'll be back. Cheers

Greg said...

I've blogged about your Giveaway too!!

Thanks again!

Kaylee said...

I'm baaaaack and have just added your give away to my Blog, please give me a second entry. Cheers

Kaylee said...

Hey Bonnie I have added you to my "Favourite Blogs" list, please give me a third entry. Cheers :-)

Jan Gartlan said...

What a great giveaway! I would love to win these fab prizes.

Unknown said...

I have just recently heard of Texture Magic and would love to win something made with it to see what it looks like.

Unknown said...

I will add your giveaway to my sidebar!

Unknown said...

I just became a new follower too!

Julie S said...

Hi! I am visiting all the blogs listed for the Charming Girls' Quilt Club! I did not know about your giveaway, but I am glad to have visited! Thanks for a great giveaway, and I will check back to learn about Texture Magic.

Janelle said...

How could anyone resist this giveaway!! I would love to win!

rockgranny said...

Fabulous giveaway!
Just become your follower

Kim D. said...

Beautiful Quilt!! I would love to be entered to win your generous giveaway.

I just signed up to be a follower, so that should give me 2 points. I'll come back when I've blogged about your giveaway.

Kim D. said...

I just blogged about your give-a-way so I have one more point. That's 3 total.. Thanks again.

Fabricmom said...

Wow what a great give away. Count me in please.

Di said...

A lovely range of country colours. yes, please!

Kriza said...

Great give away, thanks for the chance.

Karen said...

I've seen the fabric texture stuff on a blog that I can't remember and wondered how it works. Maybe it was your blog. Thanks for the giveaway. I love the baby quilt pattern.

Gene Black said...

I have been itching to try the Texture Magic. So I would love to win this one. I love textures both real and visual. Texture plays a part in my painting art, I would love to try it in my fiber art too.

luverlie said...

What a great giveaway! Always willing to try new products. Romantic Homes!!! my fave! And one can never have too much fabric.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Fantastic work! A while quilt kit, I cannot believe it. Please add me into your draw.

Anonymous said...

Please check out my blog for your link to your wonderful giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I have been following you blog for some time now, you are on my sidebar...

Rachelle x

Shrenika Kasera said...

I am just a beginner without a blog. Found your amazing give-away via Jenny's blog. Please do count me in. :-)

Kaaren said...

I can't wait to find out more about Texture Magic, Bonnie.

I'd love to give it a try so count me in, please.

You've been on my blog list forever.

Mary Burn said...

I would love to be able to try the Texture Magic -- sounds like "magic". Thanks for including me in your wonderful giveaway.

Barb said...

I love this giveaway and would love to win--please count me in! I always love to try something new! Thanks for the chance!

Barb said...

I also am a follower, please add me in again! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I would love to win and try Texture Magic--something new is always great!

Anonymous said...

I am a new follower, please put me in for a second chance to win! Thanks

Carrie P. said...

Hi Bonnie, just want to let you know I mentioned your giveaway on my blog today for my second entry.

Carrie P. said...

My number three entry is that I have had your name on my blog list since I started blogging.
And Happy Birthday early. Hope it is a good one. I am so glad you are here too.

Kerry said...

Happy Birthday for the 4th!!
What a fantastic giveaway, but so many entrants.....but you got to be in it to win it. Thanks so much for sharing.

paulette said...

Hi Bonnie,
I wrote about you and your give away in todays blog/

paulette said...

You are now in my blogs to follow. Paulette

Debbie said...

great giveaway... please enter me

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! WHat an amazing giveaway!!! Love the pattern adn fabric in your quilt and would love to try the texture magic. Hope that your birthday is super!!!

Anonymous said...

#2 - I am a follower.

sndy1 said...

Thanks for the great give away. I have heard about texture magic. Interesting concept.

Nanette Merrill said...

Good for you Bonnie. This is a darling project. Yayy for texture magic.

Recycled Rita said...

I would love to win this! I love your little blog! Happy Birthday too! karen...

Raven said...

Love the quilt!

Abby said...

I love that quilt! And, I am excited to try out Texture Magic!

Bjwalsh101 said...

Baby quilt, Just what I need...due in late march with our 3rd child!!!
Love the fabric and pattern

Rita said...

our grandson, Connor, is due in october and would love that baby quilt -- perfect colors for the autumn season! i have made a drawstring purse with texture magic, and it came out very cute. I also have received many questions and compliments about it. thanks for the opportunity, rita

Betsy said...

Bonnie congrats on the new job. Count me in. I've been a follower.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

This is an absolutely amazing give away - I would love to win this Texture Magic I have been reading about and this is a great pattern and fabric to try it with!!!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I am definitely a follower!!

decorator to the stars said...

hi, love your blog, if you have time stop on over :) gio

Dolores said...

Well, a Happy Early Birthday and what a wonderful giveaway.

Lynda said...

Love the giveaway. The Texture Magic sounds interesting. Add me to the list. Thank you.

Harley Dee said...

Texture Magic looks like so much fun! Your quilt looks great :)

Harley Dee said...

I'm a follower :) Or a subscriber.. I'm one of the two :)

Kate/Massachusetts said...

Thank you for the chance to enter your contest! The baby quilt is lovely!


dfuller55 at verizon dot net

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Texture Magic sounds like such fun. And those fabrics are beautiful.

Melinda said...

Gee, such a lot of comments, but count me in!

Searchfamilies said...

I have just found your blog & am now a follower, I would love to be entered in to you Giveaway.
While i didn't know about you being ill it nice that you have recovered.
Hugs Janice

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, lovely giveaway and would love to be in the have been on my blog list for quite sometime....I have placed the giveaway on my sidebar...thank you for your generosity and Happy Birthday for the 4th...hugs lyn

patty a. said...

Cute quilt!

Anya said...

Wonderful giveaway and thanks for the chance! Happy Birthday!

Linda K said...

Happy Birthday and thanks for a chance to win your wondeful give-away. I've heard of texture magic but haven't seen it used yet. Hope I win!!!

Jeanne said...

i have used texture magic and it is SOOOO cool. Would love to win more!

Hazel said...

What a nice giveaway! Please enter me!!

Di~ said...

What a nice giveaway! Thank you, ooo those fabrics look so so pretty!

Di~ said...

Yes, I am now a follower of your blog! Thanks so much, I'm glad I found you!

BJ Scott said...

Ok... this looks like pretty much the neatest product ever! I sure hope it works out well for you! I will be following your blog.

Jeanne Turner McBrayer said...

Very nice give-away! And happy birthday!

Jeanne Turner McBrayer said...

And I am now following your lovely blog!

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

cute quilt!! i love TM & Moda so i hope i win!

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

i just blogged about your giveaway as well!

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