Today I needed something easy...
x zzzzHave you ever had one of those days you didn't want to think, well this was one of those days. Now I'm not talking about the days you just don't think, which I have a lot of them too.
First, I wanted to use something I already had and seeing everyone sew with charm packs, I cut me some 5" squares on one. Made prairie points for the outside edge and just need to put on the border. Now both of these aren't big at all and will probably be made into a table topper or a baby quilt.
Something about me you might not know by looking at my blog, but my favorite colors are red, yellows and greens. Don't know why, but they always have been. I'm going to try and quilt at least one in the morning so I can bring it over to my SIL house to do handwork. Family get together tomorrow and I need to cook something. Will see what happens.
Just want to say to the everyone that sales wonderful handmade items on etsy, eBay or their own website, you better get busy. I've been selling products for a long time and could always kick myself when it comes time for the holidays and I don't have enough merchandise. Boy, I gotta get busy...
Keep Stitchen'
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