If you are on a diet, don't look at the above pictures, well I should of wrote this above the pictures. I've been in the kitchen this morning, cooking some of my husbands favorites. Nothing like a good gumbo, rising rolls and potato salad.x
I can't believe I haven't talked to ya since last year so this might be a little long. I was watching Julie & Julia, one of my favorite shows and I want tell you how many times I've watched it. Maybe it's a favorite because I see myself in Julie as of never finishing things she has started. Oh, I finish some projects but it takes a lot to accomplish this. Wanting to move on the the next project or my mind always racing "What can I do next"... What am I getting at? I need to take pictures of whatever is on the cutting table or the sewing machine, finished or not, just to post something. Is there anyone else out there like this? List don't help, I just grab a piece of paper and make a new one. Wasting time is not an option, work has to get done...So below are some pictures and they are actually finished, but more are cut out to update my shop.
Baby quilts, crochet items, suitcases revamped, recycled trash to treasures and a few recipes thrown in for comfort, this is what I can post often, we'll see what happens. I miss blogging, so it might not be completed but trying to write some kind of news and visiting others often. Giveaway coming soon!
Back view.My crochet hat needs a model with this dress. Grandbabies where are you when MiMi needs you! Close up of fabric below.