I just had to get two of Amy's Butler's book "Style Stitches". One for me and one to share when I was at the Quilt Market. It is filled with ideas and patterns for 26 purses and cute accessories. So if you read my blog, you know how I'll be picking the winner soon.
Now for all the news of what has been happening. You name it, it has happened. Not really, just so many irons in the fire I think I'm losing brain cells.
New adventures that is making my sewing machines burn and with the Holiday's, well we all know what they bring. so little time to get everything accomplished. I was suppose to go on a retreat this week and had all my projects lined up to get made, you can really get a lot done away from home, but this didn't happen. I told my family a sign is going on my door to the sewing room, "Gone on a retreat, will be back Thursday", do you think this would work?
I'll be back on Friday with the winner, remember if you follow me on the blog that's one chance and on Facebook that is two chances.
Keep Stitchen'