Today I wanted to make something from scratch, literally!!! I guess I could call this my "Little Chicken Scratch Clutch".
xRemember these,
I had little bitty pieces I cut off from making the stars so in a container they went. Such bright colors, just couldn't discard them. So hear are some of the supplies used in making the clutch.
xIf you have netting you can put your fabric in-between two layers and stipple away. I added a little ribbon yarn that kinda matched the colors. Then I made my own trim by folding the ribbon yarn back and forth at the top of a piece of fabric and crochet a flower. I really have a problem of throwing away fabric...
xKeep Stitchen'
That's very clever!
Very cute Bonnie!
That is sooo neat. I love it.
That is very good Bonnie - I remember seeing a quilting show showing a neting technique a little similar to yours - Waste not want not - Love it !!
Fee XX
Oh so clever. Very nice indeed.
How cool is that, Bonnie!!!
You come up with the neatest bags. Love the colors on this one.
I like your bag it's so colorful. It really turn out cute!!
This justifies keeping all those bits ,that would be otherwise discarded ,absolutely lovely ..love Jan xx
Use it up,
wear it out.
Make it do,
or do without!
That's what my grandma says...and I love what you made out of yours!
I love how you made that.. So chicky chick..lol.. Really bright and colorful and anyone would love to own it..
What a fabulous idea! You are so clever!
The Chicken Scratch Clutch is art! I love it!
How very inventive and totally funky. All it needs is a great pair of shoes. :o)
Very cool!
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