Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Spirit Giveaway - Please read post

Christmas Spirit Giveaway
Please read post

OK girls and guys, you have to read this whole post to be able to understand what I’m trying to do. “Promise” I want to spread the true meaning of Christmas, celebrating Jesus Birthday, after all “Jesus is the reason for the Season” I am having a giveaway with what I feel is the talent that God has given me. We all have talent that He has given us. Since I have been on Blogland, I have met so many creative people. It may be sewing, photography, writing, knitting, crocheting, quilting, mosaic, painting, mixed media artist, cooking or taking something from old and giving it new life. I know there are many more, but you get the picture. I am posting a little girls dress I made and you can leave me a post to get your name in, but here is the TWIST. The dress is for the winner and then he or she will turn and give it to a little one that may not have a new dress for the Christmas Holiday's. A family that might have lost their income or is in crises with the economy the way it is at this time. Maybe a family that has lost their house from the fires in California or the storms down South.

My daughter said ‘Mom, why don’t you just give it to a little girl”. This is my thought; maybe this can be spread through Blogland. Now I know that it is the busiest time of the year and believe you me, I had to hustle when I thought about this. If you are having a hard time and enter then this is for you. I would love to see you keep it or even a family member that you would love to give something to and you don't have the funds.

Now you don't have to do this, but my wish is for you to take just a little bit of time and have a giveaway but have it where someone who really needs it can win it. I will be glad to tell people about your giveaway. I am sorry that we only have time to do it in the States, so I can ship it to the winner in time for Christmas. Girls, you that are across our big Oceans, up North and South, can do this in your Country. Let’s get started and spread the Christmas Spirit. If you want to use the card for a logo, just click on it and save.

The reason for a little girls outfit. We just found out our 3rd grandbaby is a girl. That will be our 3rd girl. We couldn't be happier.

I hope I have made since. Drawing will be on December 10th. I think that will give it enough time to arrive.
Merry Christmas,


Mary Grace McNamara said...

What a wonderful idea, Bonnie! I'd love to enter this very generous giveaway. Our pastor will know of a family who would appreciate such a wonderful gift.

Congratulations on your new grandbaby!


Anonymous said...

What a terrific giveaway Bonnie, I feel auful entering when I dont have the time to do the same thing on my own blog. I do however know of a family in my church in need with little girls.

Anonymous said...

Oh I forgot to say congratulations on the news of the new grand daughter.

Sherri said...

What a wonderful giveaway...I do know of a family with 6 children. They lost their father about a year and a half ago (he fell out of a tree while trimming it). They have 3 girls and 3 boys...the youngest girl is 4 (and she's very tiny)...she would look precious in the dress.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

My first visit here and you are having a give-away. This exemplifies The True meaning and spirit of the Season!!! I volunteer my time in the food pantry in our town and I know a family of 3 children. Their Father is in jail. Their sweet Mother woks for midi um wage. She takes such good care of these precios babies. Last week she lost her job. This close to Christmas. She has been all week to fast food resturants looking for work. They could reallly use this. What a Blessing you are to others. I know our Lord is smiling down upon you.♥Mary♥

FamiLee said...

I know THE perfect little girl...I was just looking for the size. Please post the size...or did I miss it?

You have beautiful ideas! Sure do love your heart!

Catherine said...

Bonnie, Bless You!
Please enter me. There are many families desperate for help in my little town. I have a friend who distributes food and he can let me know who has the greatest need. Your idea is fantastic.

I will see what I can make. Perhaps slippers to keep little feet warm.

Thank you. I`ll post your card on my blog today.


The Charm House said...

What an incredible idea!! The Church I go to has a Bus Ministry that is unbelievable! Through it, we have been able to bring in so many families that I know would be blessed with this wonderful dress. If I win it, I will also purchase everything else the little girl needs to make the outfil complete, including the bow!
I am expecting my first great niece in January and I cannot wait!
PS~ Thanks for sending people to my giveaway. I will make sure I post your tomorrow!

Rebecka said...

I love the idea. There are so many children in need. I would love to find a girl to wear your beautiful dress. If I won I would find that girl at our City Mission here in Lincoln.
Congratulation on your new granddaughter.

em's scrapbag said...

What a great idea Bonnie. How generous and thoughtful of you. If I will I have a little girl in mind. Her father has MS and her mom has had a year of health problems. The doc are still trying to figure out. I think this would be just so cute on her.

audreypawdrey said...

I love the idea of this and will definitely pass it on to somebody in need if I win! I don't even have a little girl, but I can find someone who would greatly benefit.

Dawna said...

I love your idea (and congratulations on your new grand-daughter)! I thought about entering for one of my daughters since we've had a rough time lately (I've had 6 surgeries in the past 3 years and I'm getting ready for one more; my husband is partially disabled although he is a wonderful stay-at-home dad; I teach and I missed the first quarter of school-unpaid- due to the most recent surgery.) However, after giving it some thought I've decided that I would rather contribute it to the Christmas drive my high school students are hosting to provide gifts for the women and children in our local Domestic Violence Shelter. After all, helping others and spreading God's love is what Christmas is all about! Bless you for doing this, and I'm sure the little girl who ultimately receives this will love it!

Rachel said...

That's a lovely idea! And I'd be happy to pass it on to a lovely little lady...

zees5 said...

This is a wonderful idea. Jesus is the KING OF KINGS! and HE Reigns. My husband just told me about one of his co-workers who is just getting by b/c his wife was laid off and her unemployment is running out. They have 6 children! So this little gift would help.

Brenda said...

what an awsome idea! Count me in.
Merry Christmas!

kathipink said...

Thanks for taking part in the giveaway during this wonderful holiday season!

Like everyone else, we all know those who need.

The Giveaway Diva said...

wow that is amazing!! i'd love that for my neice!!

Digital Misfit said...

What a wonderful idea, truly in the spirit of this holiday season.
This is a harder Christmas than most for many people, and I would be delighted to share this lovely dress with a sweet little girl who would not otherwise have a new outfit for Christmas.
I do not have children of my own, so sharing this joy would give me just as much pleasure as it would to the child receiving it.


Glenda said...

This is the best idea! I know a little two year old girl who's mother left this summer and the dad is struggling to make it. We are "adopting" them into our family this year to bless and encourage them. Your dress would be very loved and appreciated!

Tammy said...

Such a cute little dress! We just started collecting things at church tonight for a family that lost their house and belongings in a fire - they have a little girl! Thanks for the chance. :)

Brooke said...

Hi Bonnie!

What a sweet idea! I know a family with 2 little girls that would love this and are in need! You are such a sweet heart for doing this!


marcela said...

what a great idea. love it! we will find someone who will need it. We take what we are done with to a teens parenting program. This might be a special gift for someone.

Congratulations on your new grandaughter!


katie said...

what a beautiful idea, i have spent half the day and into the night reading blog and dreaming of winning a giveaway and her you are putting it all into perspective. its time to find way to give more this holiday and want less. thanks and God Bless.

Toebi said...

This is such a great giveaway. I have a few ideas of where this dress can be given. Thank you.

Jingle said...

WOW! I love this idea! I would love to be a part of it! You are so right! Thank you for giving with wonderful intentions!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic idea!! I know a few families that would be able to use a beautiful little dress for their baby girl!

MaryL said...

Ilove the idea!

Amanda said...

That's is the best idea I've heard yet. You have such a kind heart.

FeatherBunkle said...

I think this is a fantastic idea!!! And I think I already have a little girl in mind...

~ Doreen said...

This is a great idea!! Would love to participate.

kellyn2girls1boy said...

Our Sunday School class is sponsoring a family who has no income for Christmas, they have two little girls, a 4 year old and a 8 month old. I am sure that this dress would be very welcome to that family at this time.

Christy said...

Bonnie, this BEST post so far, by no great stretch! I have just the little girl in mind... I think that the dress is lovely...Thank you for doing this!

Anonymous said...

What a nice idea, Bonnie! If I won your giveaway, I would donate your lovely dress to our local homeless shelter, where I'm sure there is a girl who would be delighted to have this dress for Christmas.

For my part, I am taking extra care this year to give all that I can to those in need. These are very tough times for many, unfortunately. Thanks for reminding your readers of that!

Heidi said...

What a beautiful idea! (and dress) I would be honoured to give that to a little one in need in our community.
And congratulations on the new grandbaby, children are a true blessing.

Anonymous said...

Sew very cute!

Anonymous said...

Sew very cute!

Breanna S. said...

A wonderful idea for Christmas. Our school has adopted a family for christmas that has a little girl in need. I am sure that she would love to have a new dress.

Anya said...

Lovely sentiment. We don't have any young girls in our family, but my small town has lots of needy little ones this year. Thanks for the chance.

Theresa said...

Bonnie, What a great and gracious idea. Please enter me in the giveaway. There are plenty of families with little girls here who have probably never had their own new dress. I am a volunteer with our local United Way and I come into contact with these families all the time. Bless you for your big heart!

MB said...

I know a little girl who could use this. I can't wait to pay if forward. Please enter me in the drawing for the giveaway...thanks.

Chris Worthy said...

What a wonderful idea! My little girl is now 15 and taller than I am, but our church youth group (of which she is a part) volunteers at a homeless ministry once a month. We went last week and there were at least three little girls there who could probably wear this.

Buckstop319 said...

I have a little girl in mind. she has had a particularly awful thing happen to her lately and fortunately things are better for her now. This would be perfect for her. thank you for a wonderful idea.

Unknown said...

I love this idea!!

Fabricmom said...

I know a little girl whose family is in a bad way right now. She would love to have it.

Michael said...

How fabulous! I live in Houston Texas and was a victim of Hurricane Ike and am now helping others get settled into a post-ike life. I know of many families who lost everything that would love to dress their little ones in such a fabulous frock! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea you have and congrats on the granddaughter!

ILuvBNaMom said...

What a great idea in the spirit of Christmas. Our church regularly gives away clothing and food to the community. There are many families with little girls who could use your lovely dress.

Terri said...

This is truly wonderful! Thank you for your generosity! I would love to give this to our Broken Loaves ministry at our church. We minister to so many families in need. Many blessings to you and your family. Congratulations to you on the birth of your new grandbaby! What a blessing!

Jennie said...

That is a fantastic idea, and I know just the family!

sonia vasconcelos said...

I love!
Great idea!

l said...

That is a beautiful post. Count me in!

Holly said...

I don't have a giveaway of my own going on, but I would happily give this little dress to someone who might not be getting much else for Christmas this year. Thank you for such a wonderful idea, and for spreading the Christmas spirit across blogland.

Kathy Davis said...

Thank you for sharing your talents and His love. I teach elementary school and see so many students with so many needs. What a blessing your gift would be to one of our little girls. You are an inspiration. Thanks, Kathy from MO

Anonymous said...

Hello Bonnie, what a wonderful gesture, you have a good heart. Regards Lyn

Pocket Full of Prettys said...

Some little girl will be lucky to have that cute dress to wear on Christmas. I do not know of anyone that is need of this adorable dress, but I'm sure there is someone out there that does. Don't enter me in the drawing, but good luck to the others. Hugs***Renea

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Bonnie how thoughtful of you....this is such a kind generous offer...and who ever your winner will be I am sure they will be over whelmed with your generosity.

jenny said...

wow this is realy cute and i would realy love to win this for my girl she could always use anew dress please enter me in to this thanks much

Quiltdivajulie said...

Lovely sentiment and proposal ~ no need to add my name to the drawing, just wanted to say some of what has brought me the greatest pleasure this season is adopting two seniors (women ages 97 and 101) who are homebound and without family... they're each getting one of my quilts plus things like shampoo, soap, new bath towels, tissues, toilet paper, and lotions. Sharing and helping feels so good ~ blessings to you for sharing the reason for the season!

Anonymous said...


You have got to be the sweetest lady in Blogland. May God bless you for your generosity and kindness toward others.

Congrats on your new grandbaby! :)

Diane at Crafty Passions said...

Wonderful giveaway!!
I know of a young single father who is struggling and has a very sweet little girl who would look adorable in this dress.

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