Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Oh my, I guess I better eat my words!!!

I wonder how this couple met?

I read a post today about finding great friends on the blogland and I really believe in that comment. There are so many people you can find that share the same interest, hobbies, spiritual and inspirational journals, just about anything you would like to read. The prayers that go up for the one's that need all of us to support them just makes my heart swell.

I find that I save all the ones that I want to go back to and my list is growing daily. (Now can I remember which one is which)

The reason I say, "I must eat my words," was due to me thinking about the sites that let people meet other people. I've always thought who in the world would get on a computer and meet someone of their DREAMS. That is ridiculous, but you have to remember I'm from the old school.

After meeting so many friends, and even though we haven't actually met, I still will call you my friend, this may just be possible for the ones looking for love. I feel lucky I found my one and only at a young age, but for the young and those still looking I know it is hard to find that special someone.


Holly said...

Hi, Bonnie!

Ha-ha! I've had to eat my words, too. I used to think Internet surfers were pathetic... ouch!

Live and learn! There is more than one way walk. :>

SweetAnnee said...

I so agree Bonnie..I felt that same way too, before...but I have
changed my opinion..I have metn the
best friends..even one here near to me!!
Life brings surprises.

andsewon said...

Yes ma'am...me too!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog and posting.
Also about all your unfinished projects....well I too have 'soooo' many to still complete!!!!

Joanne Kennedy said...

I know three people who have met their "other half" via the internet. Personally I've met some wonderful people. My best friend is someone I met through the internet. So yes it is possible.


Anonymous said...

Well I have to agree as I met my hubby through the internet. Him in the US and me in Australia. Never thought anything would ever come of it, but God had different plans. so here I am in the US very happily married, just wish I'd met him years ago.

Eileen said...

Yes.. I agree. It is a wonderful way to connect with people of the same mind, spirit, etc. I never thought blogging would be like this.. but it is.
Thanks for popping in to my site. I'll be back to visit!

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

We're right with you! Who knew, when we started, just how many friendships we would recieve!!
We keep on finding people and saying - oh my....they are just like us (and here we thought we were the only ones....ha!!)
Have a nice week Bonnie!
Karla & Karrie

Anonymous said...

Your Dad planted a magnolia in a can? :) The tree in the middle of our front yard is huge and drops it's big leaves all year round. It drives my DH up the wall but I love that tree.

I agree with you in that the days before computers were so popular I knew a few people who met their other half on line and I just didn't get it but I do now. Blogging is amazing. ~ Lynn

shabbyfufu said...

Hi Bonnie....the internet sure has made the world a smaller place, hasn't it? It's nice to see what other's all over the world are up to. ~Janet~

PineyWoodsPrims~Dena said...

Hi Bonnie, I am Dena.
I am new to your blog. I really like it a lot. I do agree with finding good friends on here. I have met some very dear dear friends. Blessings to you and I will be back to your blog.

PineyWoodsPrims~Dena said...

Hi Bonnie, Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I have you in the drawing. I wonder how close we could be? lol.
I live outside of Livingston, Texas. Have you ever heard of that little town?
Talk soon!

Art by Ronda Juniper Ray said...

Mmmmm, yummy, nothing better for one's diet than having to eat your own words. Ugh. Talk about indigestion....

Pocket Full of Prettys said...

I know how you feel, I too am guilty. I never thought I would have a blog much less meet so many wonderful people! As the old saying goes...one can never have to many friends. Hugs***Renea

Rue said...

Hi Bonnie :)

I know I felt like that until I met Rich ;)

Did you ever read the story about how we met? It's under "The Story of Us".


Unknown said...

Without my computer I hadn´t met so many wonderful people in so many parts of the world! Exciting that I can sit at home and learn to know people on the other side of the globe (or my neighbours).
Inernet is fantastic, if you use it in the right way!

Lyn said...

Hello Bonnie, how true, I was a little sceptical of the internet.I have to eat my words, thru blogging I have met some lovely,lovely friends. Warmest Regards Lyn

Sue said...

*grinz* My partner and I have been living together for six years...she is my perfect match...and we met online.

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